well..just wanna tell u guys..i got a super creative friend..who can create adamn good story..i think her ambition is be a oscar winner..the best script writer!!!hahahah...wanna know wat had been she create???
her name..em..miss E lor..she jus a form 3 girl..but her thinking and creativity is much more geng than a normal form 3 girl..
now..here is de story she create...
first..she told me..she commit suicide..i was sooooooooo worry about her...she said she eat pills..haiz..tat time i reli wat de..y so silly..snever think about ur family ur friends ma???y hurt urself just bcoz a guy??!not worth!!!she said she too love my bf..she cant live without him..but she will wish both of us..me and him..hapi forever..well..sounds good rite???but ater on i found tat she is lying!!tats not such commit suicide...shejust create a story onli..wish he will sympathise her??!no way!!o ya..she siad she stay in hospital pantai cheras..but when i said i wanna go visit her..she straight away said she go bak home jo...getting well soon..haha..so fake!!!
later..she siad she felt hapi chat with me..wish to call me petsis..but he not allow..luckily i din accept her as my kai mui..satt lai ar!he told me before she reli good in telling those crap story..now i know..she not just good she is a genius also!!!now i dun even allow she be my friend..such a faker...friend wont tell lies...friend wont create story hope sumone will sympathise u...tats not a friend should do...
next day..she said she quite busy about her breakdancing and teaching..i was..ooo..so talented ya..but..it was a lie also..she just pretend she is busy!!haha..de most funny is she can send a message said tat "i'm going to do de operation 2moro..plz dun tell anyone..i dun 1them worry about me.."operation?????must wondering wat operation is tat rite???tis message was send to my him..ACCIDENTALLY send to him wor..god!!ho will believe tat...plz la..so fake...faker!!
now..today..her sis..well i believe is de same person..said miss E was koma after de operation..n its all started him..wa!!wad dek zao wad wor!!geng!!when i sms her SIS..she refuse to tell me wat hospital she stay..and wat operation she had done...quite weird rite???when i heard tis news..i was shivering..wonder how if she reli koma...T.T i decided to skip class to visit her..not bcoz of qat..just feel guilty..make a little girl koma!!!
but hor..luckily..i have such good and realitic friends..they analysis for me..if she reli koma..y her sis so free sms him just to tell him she's koma???her sis should be worry about her rite???and de most unbelievable part is..her sis said miss E purposely delete all de hp number so tat her parents cantfind out who did tis to her...well..if reli delete all number..how can her sis sms him???!!!stupid o!!!then..later he told me she call him..with those crying sound..cheh!!!koma wor...another story...well...obviously..she reli annoying..fan..too free nothin she can do...y dun u go do sum charity work???at least got gong hin ar!!!
now..stop disturbing him..ur very annoying...
Better late than never
6 years ago